Does your home have atmosphere?

News - Page 2

2019 Flooring Colour Trends

Flooring | 30 November 2018

As a flooring store in Chilliwack, BC, it is important to always stay on the forefront of interior design trends. One of the biggest trends that the team at Atmosphere...

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Choosing Commercial Flooring for Your Home

Uncategorized | 2 October 2018

Why should you consider choosing commercial flooring for your home?  Believe it or not, many people are now choosing commercial flooring over residential flooring for their homes. At Atmosphere Flooring...

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Using the Colour Wheel to Choose Your Colour Scheme

Uncategorized | 1 August 2018

Knowing which colour schemes and colours of flooring to use for the different rooms in your home can be intimidating. Interior designers have many different tools at their disposal. Fortunately,...

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Eco-Friendly Flooring Products

Flooring | 1 June 2018

Eco-friendly flooring products are becoming increasingly popular as both builders and homeowners are becoming more aware of the impact that their flooring decisions have on our environment.  The flooring industry...

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Home Renovation Tips: Form Ever Follows Function

Home Renovation Tips | 3 April 2018

You have decided to take the plunge and start your home renovation or new construction project. At Atmosphere Flooring, we know that choosing new flooring can be intimidating process, but...

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What are the Different Types of Tile Flooring?

Uncategorized | 1 February 2018

There are many different types of tile flooring to choose from. What are the different types of tile flooring and how do you know which type to choose? What are...

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Flooring Colour Trends for 2018

Flooring | 13 December 2017

What exactly is a trend, anyway? Is it the same thing as a fad? Trends and fads are in fact, not the same. A fad is short-lived, whereas a trend...

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Luxury Vinyl Flooring: How I Stopped Worrying About Moisture on My Floor

Uncategorized | 8 November 2017

Consumers often ask how they can achieve the look of a beautiful, wood floor without worrying about whether it runs the risk of being ruined from everyday liquids. The solution...

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Carpet Floors [Advantages & Benefits]

Carpet Flooring | 4 August 2017

Is carpet flooring gone for good? With the increasing popularity of hard surface floors such as hardwood, laminate, vinyl and tile, there have been fewer requests for carpet floors than...

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Waterproofing Your Shower

Home Renovation Tips | 13 June 2017

You’ve decided on the layout and size of the room, and the beautiful tile that is going to really make your shower standout. Now imagine how you would feel if...

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